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Unreviewed P2 Options
for the
Pipeline Condensate Accumulation Process

Following are a set of P2 options you may wish to implement. No option is perfect for everyone, but sometimes options that have worked at one facility can work at yours. They might also serve as inspiration.

Unreviewed Options for Pipeline Condensate Accumulation

Following are a list of options that have been submitted by users of the pollution prevention planner. They have not been reviewed by pollution prevention specialists.

These options are presented so you can see what people in facilities are considering. As with any option (reviewed or unreviewed) you will have to adapt it to your facility.


Lower the dewpoint temperature

Invista is considering lowering the temperature of the gas as low as possible before it enters the pipeline. However, this project will take some time to design and may require a large amount of capital.

Reduce Acetylene Gas Flow

By reducing the acetylene gas flow in the pipeline, less condensate will condense out of the gas as the temperature drops to ground temperature.

Investigate Abnormally High Waste Generation Rates

If unusually high waste generation rates are noticed, the pipeline operator will contact Invista for Invista to investigate why the water rate has increased.
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