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Reviewed Hospitals- Energy Use OptionsFollowing are a list of options that have been reviewed by pollution prevention specialists. These options have worked at other facilities and may work at yours. |
Conduct Baseline Assessment | ||
Create a baseline of energy performance for your healthcare facility using EPA’s benchmarking tool. | ||
Upgrades to Facility | ||
Implement upgrades in the following areas. a. Heating/ventilation upgrades b. Air-side cooling economizer cycle c. Programmable thermostats d. Control ventilation rates to minimum requirements e. Energy-efficient lighting upgrades f. Lighting occupancy sensors | ||
Water Conservation | ||
Implement some of the following water-efficient equipment or practices. a. Low-flow toilets b. Low-flow faucets c. Automatic faucet shut-off d. Low-flow showerheads e. Flow-control mechanisms f. Recirculating cooling water g. Recirculating sterilizer water h. Kitchen equipment i. Regular inspection and repair of leaks j. Landscaping/irrigation k. Low-water, x-ray process |