for the
Cleaning and Degreasing Operations Process

Following are a set of P2 options you may wish to implement. No option is perfect for everyone, but sometimes options that have worked at one facility can work at yours. They might also serve as inspiration.

Reviewed Cleaning and Degreasing Operations Options

Following are a list of options that have been reviewed by pollution prevention specialists. These options have worked at other facilities and may work at yours.


reduce solvent evaporation

Increase the freeboard height to significantly reduce solvent evaporation.

automatic parts lift

Install automatic parts lift on vapor degreasers

Use drain racks

Use drain racks to reduce dragout.

use rotating rack.

Drain parts using a rotating rack.

Clean parts

Determine whether parts need to be cleaned.

Use rust inhibitors and lubricants

Use easy-to-clean or no-clean rust inhibitors and lubricants

Review handling process

Review the handling process of the parts to determine why parts are getting dirty and take action to prevent it from happening in the future.

clean stock

Purchase clean input clean

Use elbow grease

Use elbow grease. When possible, clean by brushing and wiping.

Use aqueous-based cleaners

Use aqueous-based cleaners

Use Solvents

Use solvents with a low vapor pressure and high flash point.

Use citrus or terpene cleaners.

Use citrus or terpene cleaners.

Keep lids on

Keep lids on your solvent-cleaning vessels.

air-lock vapor degreaser

Use an air-lock vapor degreaser

reduce drafts

Minimize evaporation by reducing drafts.

Install refrigerated coils

Install refrigerated coils on the freeboard above the primary condenser coils. Working emissions are reduced by approximately 20-50 percent for above freezing coils and 30-80 percent for below freezing coils.

Use counter-current rinsing.

Use counter-current rinsing.

reuse aqueous cleaners.

Skim/filter and reuse aqueous cleaners.

install filtration or distillation units.

Reuse solvents by installing filtration or distillation units.

Install bioremediation parts washer

Install a bioremediation parts washer that uses enzymes to eat oil and grease.

Segregate solvents

Segregate solvents to allow recycling

Keep solvents out of used oil.

Keep solvents out of used oil.

Keep fluids out of solvents

Keep fuel, brake fluid, and other fluids out of solvents to prevent the mixture from becoming hazardous.

Keep solvents out of aqueous cleaners.

Keep solvents out of aqueous cleaners.

solvent storage.

Use secondary containment for solvent storage.

fix and prevent leaks.

Implement a maintenance program to fix and prevent leaks.

increase drain time.

Reduce dragout by increasing drain time.

reduce dragout.

When dipping parts, lift them such that it reduces dragout.

Install lids

Install sliding lids on solvent tanks.

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